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The key stages of a development project

key stages of project

There are 5 key stages of a project that you should be aware of

If you approach a project with these in mind you will have more chance of a successful outcome. Doing this has several benefits. Firstly you will make sure that you havent missed any options. Secondly, once work begins all the key people involved will understand how the project has evolved from the start

Feasibility study

This is where you present your idea to the people who you have chosen to deliver your project. Typically these would be the Architect/Designer/Consultant you have engaged. However it’s important to have the right team involved when you are discussing this . This is where ideas are discussed and rough sketches are made. Also options can be discussed and changes made to the original design

Outline Design/Planning

Once you have assessed the feasibility of your project, drawings will be submitted with a Planning application,  or notice given to the Council under permitted development rights. Also it will indicate the design, what kind of materials you will be using and the scope/size of the project

Building Control

You are legally obliged to inform Building control of certain activities and if that is the case this is the stage where you will submit detailed drawings for their approval. Planning drawings only show an outline of your intended project. Building control drawings will be more detailed and will have technical details included

Tender Stage

Once you have received approval from Building Control this is the stage where you will be able to send tender documents to contractors for them to give you prices to do the work. These documents should contain as much information as possible. You should include things like the scope of works, the materials you want used , the standard of finish, a specification document and a full set of drawings. This will allow them to accurately price for the job. Once prices have been received and accepted these drawings will become the contract set. These are the drawings that the project will be completed to. These are sometimes called the Construction drawings. Make sure that as the project progresses you are using the right drawings

The Construction Phase

This is where it all comes together. If you have got the preceeding steps right you should be on your way to completing a successful project. As a result you will be glad that you spent time preparing properly

If you need any help planning a project please contact us. We will be happy to talk to you about The 5 key stages of a project. We offer a wide range of services for any project regardless of size

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